which I am I

I don’t like winter.
I don’t like cold, wet, and slippery.
I don’t want to spend on heating.
I want to keep my money.

I like winter.
I enjoy being indoors.
I like being stripped,
Letting go of my leaves,
Getting ready to begin again.

I don’t like winter.
I don’t want layers of clothing.
I want to feel light.
I want to be comfortable.

I like winter.
I like seeing the colors change.
I love the Christmas atmosphere,
The calmness,
The smells and smokes of winter.

I don’t like winter.
I don’t like dark and gray days.
I don’t want to feel lonely.
I want to be happy.

I like winter.
I like transitions—
The end and beginning of the year.
I enjoy moving between warmth and cold,
Feeling the anticipation of spring.

Which “I” am I?